Alan Scott is usually (incorrectly) known for being Earth's first Green Lantern. Pre-Crisis he lived on Earth-2, the Golden Age world, but Post-Crisis, he was known as "the Green Lantern from the forties." His ring cannot affect anything that is made out of wood. More information soon to come.
Hal Jordan
Occupation: Test Pilot
Base of Operations: Coast City
Ht: 6' 2"
Wt: 210 lbs.
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Brown
First Appearance: Showcase #22 (October, 1959)
Hal Jordan spent most of his childhood at Edwards Air Force Base, just twenty miles outside of Coast City. When his pilot father, whom he idolized, died in a crash, Hal's greatest fear came to pass.
No other fear ever took its place.
After moving to Coast City with his mother and brothers, Hal spent every waking moment he could on local airfields, often hitchhiking out to Edwards. Against his mother's wishes, he enlisted in the U.S. Air Force when he turned eighteen. When that job didn't work out, he took a job at Ferris Aircraft.
After Abin Sur, the Green Lantern of Earth's space sector 2814, crashed on Earth, his ring sought out a successor who was able to overcome great fear and found test pilot Hal Jordan. Trained to become the best of the Green Lantern Corps, Hal's confidence and willpower never failed him... until Coast City was destroyed by Mongul.
Manipulated by Sinestro and infected by the ancient impurity called Parallax, Jordan seemingly went mad and became the catalyst for the dissolution of the Green Lantern Corps. After years in which he died and found redeption as a supernatural force for justice, he was recently freed from Parallax's thrall and reborn with a new dedication to his homeworld and the rest of sector 2814.
With his power ring, Hal Jordan is able to create green energy constructs of whatever his will demands. The ring's earlier weakness against tings colored yellow has been diabled due to Hal's experience, but the ring still must be recharged at its power battery before the raw willpower inside is depleted, usually once every twenty-four hours.
John Stewart
Occupation: Architect
Base of Operations: Detroit
Ht: 6' 1"
Wt: 210 lbs.
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Black
First Appearance: Green Lantern (second series) #87 (January, 1972)
When Guy Gardener was incapacitated, outspoken architect John Stewart was chosen as the next alternate Green Lantern. When Hal Jordan first met John, he believed in helping the man on the street more than aliens in space. Eventually, John earned full status in the Green Lantern Corps. It was there that he met his wife, Katma Tui, the successor to rogue Green Lantern Sinestro in space sector 1417 and inheritor of Sinestro's ring. Years later, Katma Tui was tragically murdered by the villainess Star Sapphire.
John's only true failure as a Green Lantern happened when his overconfidence provented the saving of the planet Xanshi. As a result, John stepped down off his soapbox and stopped asking the hard questions others never would, preferring to be seen as just "another" Green Lantern.
But the universe needs someone to ask the hard questions. After witnessing the redemption of Hal Jordan, John Stewart has renewed his mission to not only police his space sector for anything that threatens the safety of others, but to tackle social and theological issues on Earth and throughout all of 2814.
John's ring has all the powers and limitations Hal Jordan's does. John's willpower manifests itself differently than that of other Corps members. His background as an architect and his strong impulse to look deeper inside things than others is reflected in the complex structures he builds with his mind.
Guy Gardener
Kyle Rayner