Death's Blog





Name: Death
Age: N/A
Location: Germany
Gender: Male

Mon, Feb. 27th, 2006, 08:45 pm
I'm worthless

I am not a man for I cannot provide for my loving family. We had cabbage soup again for the second straight week in the row. My pays are too small to afford anything else. Money is very strict and I cannot help but feel completely helpless and useless...

Sun, Feb. 26th, 2006, 10:52 pm
People hate us

My brother lost his job today at the factory. I hope I do not loose mine. He is a very skilled worker, unfortunately everyone knows our family is Romani. He could have possibly been promoted not fired if his skin were lighter...

Sat, Feb. 25th, 2006, 09:28 pm
Another day, another half-dollar

Work today was awful as usual. We just found out that some of us are getting our wages cut. Most of the people who are getting paid less are of gypsy descent. I am unfortunately one of the many who are getting our wages cut in half. I do not know how I am to support my family...